Monday 30 March 2009

This is Going to Hurt Your Purse Just a Little Bit

I thought the dentist had been a bit slow sending out my 17 month check up reminder letter, so I made an appointment and went along this morning. I was a bit surprised to find that it was not 18 or 20 months since my last visit, but 5 years. How did that happen? Another shock was that the cost seemed to have escalated rather dramatically. £50 for the check up and another £50 tomorrow with the hygienist - and I hate going to the hygienist. She never seems happy until she has started a haemorrhage from between each pair of teeth with her gouging and scouring. Just as you start to gag on your own blood she tries to make polite chit chat. When you try to agree that the weather is indeed looking up, trickles of blood escape from the corners of your mouth, making you look like you've wandered off the set of a Dracula movie. For reasons I won't go into now, I do have a dracula cape in the wardrobe upstairs. Maybe I should get it out and wear it tomorrow.

'I say, fifty pounds seems a bit steep, but at least I have my lovely smile back!'


Hayley said...

It's all about floss! Floss every day and your teeth no longer bleed.

I don't know why your check up cost so much. Mine was only £16.50. Still a bit steep though.

Hilsbils said...

Where do you go now then?

Hayley said...

Brightsmile on Penhryn Road. 020 8546 3330
She said I had lovely teeth! I highly recommend it.