Sunday 15 March 2009

Swimming with the Big Boys

I'm training for a sponsored 3 mile swim in a month's time, so yesterday I hopped on my bike, cycled to the pool and swam a mile. As it was the first sunny day of spring, it was really busy. I started off in the medium lane, but got rather frustrated by a slowcoach, so had to resort to the fast lane with the big boys, which meant doing front crawl. I don't have any goggles (found out they cost £15 - when did that happen?), so it was a bit of a challenge. I did manage a mile, and cycled home again. Trouble is, I had to spend the rest of the day on the settee recovering. I also popped into Tesco on the way home to buy a chocolate pudding to console myself.

All this getting fit is totally exhausing. I think I'll go back to dancing in the bath.

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