Friday 27 March 2009

Blue Sky Thinking

Today was spent listening to a monochrome man with a monotone drone impart dull information in a dull room on a dull day. It was all a farce as he was very obviously bored delivering the lecture for what must have been the umpteenth time. We were all very obviously struggling to hide our yawns, especially as the room became overly warm.

The best thing about these sessions is that it feels really fantastic to escape at the end. I went on a brisk three mile walk around the park, delighting in the breeze on my face; looking at the sticky buds starting to open, the courting parakeets and the wild and windy sky.

Maybe it's all an elaborate bluff about improving efficiency, and corporate procedures are really there just to make sure we enjoy the rest of our lives better.

'I wish I could spend more time listening to lectures on HR procedures'.

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