Friday 17 April 2009

Sport for the Sluggish

I've been feeling a bit dopey all week, so things aren't looking too good for the three mile swim tomorrow. I reckon that if I can do at least two miles, the rest I can do by lying on my back and just swirling my arms gently back and forth like jellyfish tentacles. I think my silicone hat and goggles will complete the Cnidaria look too (sorry, little showy off moment there - look it up). The swim starts at 1pm, I might just be back at home in time for dinner if I'm lucky!

After this, I'll need to take up another sport that doesn't turn my hair to straw and strip my body of its epidermal layer. Badminton has always seemed like gentle fun (as long as you stay at the lower echelons of the game). The big benefit of a shuttlecock is that it doesn't roll away like those annoying tennis balls, so you expend less energy around the court. You don't tend to get a bruise where it hits you either. It isn't really very difficult to swing those nice, light racquets around, you don't get wet, you don't get cold, and chances are, there will be a bar somewhere nearby to recover in when the first bead of sweat appears on the brow.

Oh yes, the sporting life for me.

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