Sunday 19 April 2009

Requiem for a Snail

There's something about the tiles on my front doorstep that become totally irresistable to snails when it's been raining. They come from all directions and try to get in the front door. Usually I'm careful to remember this, and move them out of the way. Sadly, the other evening, coming back late from a very cheery evening out with friends, I tripped up the steps, doorkey in hand, to hear an ominous crunch, and a gluey feeling on the sole of my shoe. I didn't dare look down to inspect the carnage, and surreptitiously scraped my shoe before I went into the hall. The next morning, there it was, evidence of the snail massacre the night before. There seemed to be little substance left, so I think a bird might have enjoyed a late night snack.

Poor snail, I hope he/she was happy while alive. Come to think of it, life is probably quite interesting with that he/she thing snails have going on.


J Adamthwaite said...

This made me smile. I am always dodging snails on the path outside when it has been raining. There was a period (maybe a month or so) where we last lived, where it wasn't just snails but, for some reason, FROGS! Which was exciting because I love frogs but scary because I would hate to tread on a frog!

Hilsbils said...

A frog stuck to the sole of your shoe could get a bit yucky. I love frogs too, and always feel a bit sad when I see one of those squashed, black ones on the road.

Jester said...

Why is it that we treat snails as lovable creatures, but hate slugs with a passion just because they don't have a shell?

Hilsbils said...

I think it's got something to do with the Magic Roundabout. We all think about lovable Brian when we think about snails.

Mind you, people also love squirrels, and squirrels are just rats without the fluffy tail.

Someone should write a cult children's show about slugs and rats. That would sort it out.

J Adamthwaite said...

...feel a bit sad when I see one of those squashed, black ones on the road - yes! Not least because they're always in action-frog poses, as if they were just in the middle of a grand froggy mission when they got squished. We found a dried out one that had jumped behind a radiator once. That was sad.

Hilsbils said...

Didn't you notice a funny smell as it dried out?

I think flattened frogs would make good coasters, although the little red tendrills of intestines might get caught up on things.

J Adamthwaite said...

Funnily enough... no!

And also - eugh! Although I agree that they'd make good coasters (although possibly a bit wobbly!)