Monday 16 February 2009

A Trifling Matter

There is something so nice about having the spag bol bubbling away on the stove, the fire roaring away in the grate, and some loud music pounding away. Its so not work. Its so not stressful. Its so home.

There was a pause then while we ate the spag bol, which was actually a trifle disappointing (not enough salt). It was also disappointing because there wasn't a trifle involved as a pudding option. If there had been, I would have had to dig caves under the cold custard layer as I have never been partial to the wibbly yellow stuff. Why can't we have trifles without the cold custard? I suppose it wouldn't be a trifle then, but a bifle.

I know, I'll start the bifle fan club. I wonder if, like a magician, you could ever remove the cold custard layer (ccl) in one go and let the cream dollop down straight onto the jelly/sponge combo (pre-soaked in Harvey's Bristol Cream)? What could you do with the left over ccl? Would it work as a frisbee? Could you start selling them to circuses for the clowns? Is this where the custard pie originated from?

Have people in circuses already been eating bifles for centuries? Is this why people run away to join the circus - they can't stand trifles?

I suppose you could have a bifle with a sachet of those hundreds and thousands to form the third element. They always looked so promising, but taste so disappointing. Reminiscent of when I had my tonsils out aged 7, the nurse held out a tablespoon of strawberry jam and said, 'eat it, it will taste nice'. As it was packed full of anaesthetic, it tasted completely vile. I never trust a member of the medical profession wearing the same sort of twisted smile as they say something like, 'this won't hurt'.

I'm not saying hundreds and thousands are really lignocane or anything (hmmm maybe that would make the trifle more fun and effective for stress relief), but they are a let down. Not as bad as those silver balls though, what's the point in them, unless you're a dentist drumming up business?

So, the question to perplex you today is, 'edible decorative silver balls - what's the point?'


Trifle or Bifle? Which way do you swing?


J Adamthwaite said...

Yes, I could go with bifle... only I'd have to disagree about which layer should be omitted. I say get rid of the sponge! Who wants soggy sponge? That's the bit I can't bear. Cold custard is fine, wet sponge is not. Yuk.

Hilsbils said...

Wet sponge - wet with sherry though. An underestimated drink I always feel.

Definitely no to cold custard. Yeck.

Anonymous said...

I like the custard, but now I'm thinking what would the next one down be - a monofle? Is that just the jelly, or would that be a zerofle (or is that be an empty bowl?)
These are important questions that need ignoring.