Monday 2 February 2009

Snow, Missiles and Tin Ducks

The Skip is quite a tall car so I had to use a broom to scoop the four inches or so of snow off the roof this morning. I love the way sheets of snow slid off, holding shape as if the car was molting. The drive to work was all in second gear and demanded so much concentration I didn't even dare play a compilation tape. I felt quite smug though, as I veered carefully past a low slung Jaguar that had run aground on a relatively small drift. After about three hours in the office working on essential canape crises and buffet blunders, someone thought we should all go home again as the snowfall was going to get heavier. Sadly, my smugness was thwarted on the drive home, as groups of schoolchildren with no lessons to go to were out on the pavements rolling huge snowballs and throwing them at the cars, rolling past like tin ducks in a shooting range. Its quite hard to look composed as a spotty youth is lining you up in his sights and taking aim with a snowman's head.

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