Tuesday 17 February 2009

Latin 'n' Monks

I was listening to Gregorian Chants on the way in to work this morning. I had become really bored with the compilation tape 'Party 2001' and flung it over my shoulder. At some lights I had grabbed the first tape to hand and after freeing it from some 'tired' pick 'n' mix, shoved it in the player. I had forgotten about the Gregorian chants. Bit tricky to sing along to (my Latin isn't up to much these days), so a disappointing journey to work.

Talking of Pick 'n' Mix makes me wonder if the demise of Woollies is also the demise of 'n'. Perhaps there are still a few fish 'n' chip shops around, or are Chaz 'n' Dave still strumming away somewhere? Its quite hard to say 'n'. Sounds like you are trying out a new language with a gutteral tone you aren't quite sure of.

In fact, 'n' has been quite clever, as it has escaped all eternity as 'n', where 'n' = some nasty part of a mathematical equation you couldn't solve.

So today's conundrum is; insoluble equations or unsingalongable songs.


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