Sunday 8 February 2009

Pincher Snowman

I went for a walk in the park yesterday, and was somewhat confused by the sight of a drowning snowman in the lake. He was lying face down in the water. Had he deliberately committed suicide? Had he been murdered?

What would lead a snowman to commit suicide? Listening to 'Frosty the Snowman' too often? Thaw-induced facial disfigurement? An inability to sustain warm and loving relationships? The prospect of global warming?

Why would you murder a snowman? Because he hadn't been n-ice enough? (sorry)

Did his life flash before him as his icy lungs gasped their last? Did he see black lightning? Had he, in fact, been dead all along?

I bravely resisted the urge to wade in and rescue him, and anyway, the ducks seemed quite happy to have a new island. Nice to know you can be useful after your death.

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