Monday 12 January 2009

What's in Your Deep Freeze?

Its always a mistake to think that everything is sorted out and working properly. The Skip, having had money lavished on it, was working rather nicely and I was enjoying motoring around in it again. Then, yesterday evening, there was a new noise, a flop, flop sound. When I was caught up in a traffic jam I peered out of the window and realised I had a completely flat tyre. Now, I do think I could change the wheel myself, but having paid the AA £100 a year for about twenty years, decided to give them a call. I have to say, I am now in love with my man who can. Within 40 minutes my tyre was repaired with some magic gunk and I was free to enjoy the traffic jam again.

When I eventually arrived home, there were some jacket potatoes doing their stuff in the oven, but younger son and I were too peckish to wait that long, so had a forage. 'What's in the deep freeze?' I enquired hopefully. Sadly the response was, 'Some penis shaped ice cubes and two packs of butter'. My son's expression was a combination of disappointment at the lack of carbs, and confusion as to why we keep penis shaped ice cubes.

I think Secret Santa has a lot to answer for.

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