Saturday 31 January 2009

Tidy House, Tidy Mind

The house is on the market, and its quite a strain tryng to make it look appealing. It wasn't helped by a dog leaving a deposit next to the doorstep. I can think of better ways of starting a Saturday morning than poopascooping someone else's pet's doings.

Still, the vacuum cleaner is feeling loved, it hasn't been used this much before. It's quite an annoying vacuum cleaner. It was a bargain from Tesco, and as you swoosh around the house the collapsable handle keeps collapsing. The front of the cleaner has a handle for lifting it, but as you lift up the front drops off. I think it was a Rubik's Cube in a previous life.

The nozzle dropped off my Mr Sheen as well. Now I have to align my finger nail over precisely half the miniscule pipe to squirt the furniture.

I've cleaned the insides of the windows, but this just makes the outsides look worse when you look through. As the house is tall and thin, it is virtually impossible to clean the outsides unless you are an enthusiastic abseiler.

So if you happen to be good at Rubik's Cubes, love abseiling and have well manicured finger nails, I need you! Cup of tea and a bun await!


Hisuiko said...

Good luck with the house Hilly!


Hilsbils said...

Thank you! Welcome to the blog!