Sunday 18 January 2009

Slightly Squashed Marmite Sandwiches and Wet Woods

One of life's joys is surely lying in bed and listening to the rain outside. The pattering is calming and nostalgic, reminding me of summer holidays. When our children were young we used to spend our holidays in Scotland, and go for walks in wet forests. There were generally enough trees to stop most of the rainfall getting to us underneath, and the smell of damp earth and sound of rain drops hitting the leaves were sublime. Our lunchtime fayre was generally marmite sandwiches, which tasted better for being slightly squashed in a rucksack and eaten while sitting on a mossy log. Some leafy glades felt almost enchanted, with a 'noisy silence'.

I like noisy silences, there's a place in Richmond Park that has one. I used to stop my bike on the way home from work to take it in. Then I would get a bit scared and peddle off home again.

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