Thursday 14 May 2009

Snivelling Colds and Soggy Tissues

I am very lucky in that I don't often get poorly (my hand is groping for some wood to touch as I say that, difficult to find here in Prefab Towers). Today however, I have a cold. I haven't had one for as long as I can remember. To add to my misery I will be having my final rabies and Hep B injections this evening (and these into my poor bruised arm). My bin is full of soggy tissues and the end of my nose is sore.
It's now tomorrow (a strange sounding concept, but I think you're following) and I still feel poorly. When I asked the nurse whether it was ok to have the injections while under the weather, she cheerfully announced it would just make me feel worse than I already did, as she pinged the needles into my bruise.

So, job done, I feel worse than I did before. This evening I thought a walk in some fresh air would help, so set off to the park. It started to pour with rain at which point I felt that a coat might have been a good idea.

Enough of this Eeyore-ness. The nice thing about the park was that there were a couple of egg sized moorhen chicks paddling away in one of the lakes. They were really small, and could only have been a few hours old. There was a heron stalking some fish and some tadpoles looking busy. The rain must feel quite fun to a tadpole swimming in shallow water with the drops dolloping around them.

Anyway, early night for me, cosy suduko, cup of tea, radio 4 (I'm ready for something unchallenging like the shipping forecast) and my fluffiest pillows.

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