Friday, 4 December 2009

Watt happened to Christmas?

Someone a couple of roads away has festooned their garden with Christmas lights to rival the Blackpool Illuminations. There are the three kings in flashing, neon glory, Mary cradling the baby Jesus (depicted in 240 volt red and orange) and the main feature, the Star of Bethlehem, in pride of place over the front door. I couldn't help noticing that Mary's veil is missing a bulb. I'm sure she wouldn't like that and would prefer to sit and darn in a new filament.

The star is huge, and made up of concentric, jagged orbits in varying shades of blue, which flash in sequence. It is so bright, it illuminates the neighbours' gardens as well (just like the real thing all those years ago). The star looks like it would be happier at the end of the pier or in a supermarket drawing your attention to a 'buy one get one free' offer, rather than the birth of the Messiah. The electricity is obviously struggling to keep the vista going and there is an ominous flicker, warning us of its impending threat to wipe out one of the world's major religions.

There does seem to be some cross fertilization of the concept of Christmas, how long will it be before we see neon displays reminding us that baby Jesus was visited in the manger by Santa, a snowman and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and that Joseph was actually busy mending the fuse on a flashing sign imploring us to have a 'Merry Christmas'?

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