Sunday, 20 December 2009

Release your Inner Child

Christmas is at its best when you are with your beloved old friends and family having a great time. Last night was wonderful, a concert where we sang our hearts out, followed by dancing the night away to a great band in a local pub. On the way home it started to snow. Looking upwards I could see an endless supply of snowflakes falling into the street light. The more I stared, the more I felt I was travelling through the stars, like at the beginning of the old Dr Who programmes. I couldn't resist tipping my head back and sticking my tongue out to catch a snowflake or two, which must have looked strange to anyone driving past.

I didn't care.

I was snuggly inside my ski jacket, I was enjoying the occasional feathery dab of ice in my mouth.

I was happy.


J Adamthwaite said...

How wonderful. For me, there are few things more magical than snow: it sounds like the perfect end to a lovely evening.

Hilsbils said...

It was, thank you!