Thursday, 24 December 2009

Deck the Halls with Boughs of Baileys

Typical. I switched on my fairy lights this morning, there was a pop and they all went out. I have been digging around in the nether reaches of an old wardrobe, and found a set previously discarded because none of the red or green lights work. We now have a slightly weedy display of yellow and blue lights. The overall impression is one of too much cabling for not much effect. Luckily I have bags full of tea lights, so can still be ambitious about my ambience. It won't be a patch on all those people who cleverly manage to do marvellous things with holly. The last time I tried that, for reasons rather too complicated to go into here, my car was written off in the Thames, but you will understand that I am shy of the prickly stuff now.

It's a relief to have stopped shopping at last. Sainsbury's was my last port of call (seeing as we are on a watery/potentially alcoholic theme here). 'Aha', I thought to myself, 'time to get the Crimbo drinks in'. My most favourite Christmas drink is Bailey's, but Sainsbury's, although the shelves were stacked to brimming with every other drink, had RUN OUT OF BAILEYS. I had to bring home a weak and feeble alternative, but at least that will run with the lighting theme.

Anyway, it's not about the alcohol, it's not about the turkey, it's not even about the presents. It's all about being surrounded by the people you love most in the world. Have a good one.

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