Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Christmas, Dead and Buried

Like most of the population, I was out shopping yesterday. I was walking past an undertaker's window, thinking merry thoughts, when something caught my eye. Someone had taken great care to make a festive display among the headstones. Sure enough, there was the usual nativity scene and quite a lot of what might have been icing sugar scattered about. What struck me as particularly strange though, was the model of a horse drawn hearse approaching the stable. It was a beautifully made, and had been polished to perfection. The horses wore their plumes well, and there was a coffin resting inside the glass partitioning.

A birth, three wise men, some shepherds, an angel or two, a star and.... a funeral procession?

I felt confused.

It happens at Christmas.

I actually felt quite relieved to be back in conglomerate consumerville, and even found myself humming nervously along to 'Rudolph-feed-the-white-nosed-world-Christmas-do-they-know-time'.

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