Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Sat Nav and Thunderbirds

I was wizzing round a one way system with a friend this week, relying on the sat nav to get us to a furniture shop in the deepest reaches of darkest Newbury. The sat nav couldn't work out where we were, and kept giving us conflicting instructions. At one point we found ourselves shouting back at the bossy woman in her satellite, 'You're wrong! You're wrong!'. Eventually she corrected herself and we found the shop (which was shut - such is life). Made me think about people floating alone in space, which lead me to think about John Tracy in Thunderbird 5. How did he remain so cheerful with no friends around? Why can't Mrs Sat Nav be cheerful too? Perhaps she needs a pale blue uniform and little pillar box cap.

Got the fluffy rug for the bathroom, still looks a mess. The good news is the kitchen floor has been laid and I feel like rolling all over it and luxuriating in its smooth lines and cleanness. I've also had a go at skidding along it in socks - not quite as much fun as I remember this sort of thing being.

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