Sunday, 28 December 2008

Coins and Crowns

I forgot to mention that I won Miserable Git again this year, two years in a row - hurrah! I've decided to make notes of Miserable Git items as the year progresses, to aid my revision for next year's game and to retain the crown (albeit cardboard, covered in turkey foil). Today's Miserable Git moment is the 5p coin. I've just been sifting through a pile of loose change in a bowl on the window sill to make a very sensible pot of silver to keep in the car for parking meters. As I worked my way through the Polish zloty and two pence pieces, those little fives kept annoying me by deliberately avoiding my finger nails as I tried to scoop them up. Anyone would think they didn't want to spend the day in a car park in Kingston, although I suppose it would be very cold in one of those machines, and only the prospect of a grumpy attendant to talk to at the end of the day.

So, the five pence bit, what's the point? Answers on a postcard please.

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