Monday, 8 December 2008

Defrosting my bike

There was such a thick frost yesterday morning, I had to bring my bike into the house to defrost it before I could ride it. There is nothing quite as uncomfy as sitting on a frozen saddle.

Today, I switched on my home computer and had the blue screen of death - its been on a go slow for some time, so I should have done something about it sooner. My bike is also making the knocking noise again, so I'm hoping the chain doesn't seize and I have to do the bus thing again. The good news is a man is coming to lay my basement floor tomorrow, so things might get restored to normal again soon.

Work is stressful today (it can happen sometimes), so I'm consoling myself with a lovely cup of tea and a chilled Mars bar. They're definitely best chilled so the chocolate is a little bit crunchy. I'm resisting the urge to bite off the chocolate all the way round and saving the yummy, gummy bit for last, as these things are best done in private.

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