The choice of music was a bit variable - she tried some 'popular' pieces which included a variation of something that sounded like a hoe-down which was a bit dull, but luckily went into the finale with the stunning jazzed up toccata and fugue and one of the Vivaldi 'Seasons'. I wasn't sure which one (is anyone sure which is which?) but not the whingy one, the one that makes you feel agitated and want to change the world. Luckily it's a short piece so the feeling passes quickly and you can relax again. It was made all the more stunning by having fireworks exploding in time to the music - I can't remember seeing and hearing anything so spectacular for ages (Handel is just so yesterday). All our jaws had to be scooped off the grass at the end.
I don't think I can achieve the same effect with my descant recorder, however many sequins I glue onto myself - although I do have some 'mirror on a role' which I could wrap myself up in (or at least stick onto my old trainers). There are some disco lights somewhere in the basement cupboard. I'll go and practice a few poses with my recorder this evening, and strut around before launching into 'Lord of the Dance' (most of the notes are there now). I'll have to be careful flinging it around, if I'm too flamboyant spittle will fly off. Some fussy members of my audience might be upset.
Watch this space for the stadium tour and album coming soon!
....and cue the 37 Shot Surgical Strike!
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