I've started to prepare for a trip to India in a couple of weeks time. The ratio of planning that has to be done in relation to the humble mosquito is out of all proportion. My main worry is that if there is a mozzie within about 10 miles, it usually decides to head straight for me, and to tell his mates to come and join the party. I think I must be particularly tasty to mozzies. I've packed a mosquito net, mosquito repellent, another Avon product that the SAS apparently use, lots of long sleeved tops and more tablets than I've ever seen in one place before. So when I saw an advert for a wide brimmed hat with black netting covering it, and helpful drawstring around the neck to prevent the little pests getting in, I was sorely tempted. I am not usually interested in fashion, but even I was worried that it wouldn't be a good look. I also have a worry that if the mozzies were particularly irksome and made me grumpy, I might accidentally yank the drawstring too hard and garrot myself, which wouldn't be a good look either. Maybe a boater, veil and ribbon combo (think Katherine Hepburn) would enhance my appearance more than the Harrison Ford effect? Shame the boater probably wouldn't make it in one piece through the airport luggage handling system.
So, the mosquito, what's the point - apart from being particularly kind and helpful to the protozoan parasite?
'Why all the fuss? I love mosquitos!'
I'm the tasty type too, so I'd be fearful. I might even have gone for the hat! I hate the idea of what they're doing to you apart from anything else. *shudders*
Try Avon Skin so Smooth dry oil Woodland fragrance - supposed to work like magic.
Thanks! I'll try to remember that... is it a repellent or a soother?
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