I'm still waiting for my bathroom to be done, it's taking a while. I was lying in the bath staring at the ceiling, as you do, and noticed two grey blobs. I felt quite confused, they weren't there the day before, and I couldn't really work out how anyone could leave marks on the bathroom ceiling without resorting to a stepladder and thick pencil. I would notice one of my sons walking round the house with a stepladder, as it would be a sight so unusual as to be remarked on. I forgot about the strange blobs until the next day, lying in the bath staring aimlessly at the ceiling again (I must get a waterproof radio or something), when I noticed they had gone beige/taupe/ecru/off white/cream/bamboo in colour. Mysteriouser and mysteriouser. When I got out and was enjoying a little buffing session with a cloud of talcum powder and a towel I looked up and saw, to my horror, that the beige/ecru etc blobs WERE MOVING AROUND. I hurried out to avoid having strange wriggly things dropping in my hair. They've gone now, I haven't a clue what they were, unless they are baby spiders from those spindly house spidery things that look uncomfortably similar to daddy long legs. I'm not going to look too hard, but I will phone the plumber up to hurry him along with the makeover. I hope he's not squeamish, he might find strange sausage sized creatures with too many legs crawling around under the bath panel.
Help! I'm scaring myself now.
'I just can't wait to meet the plumber, if he exists'
I'm intrigued! What could they have been? It's the right time of year for peculiar insects. I prefer them in the garden though!
Yes, the garden is definitely the best place for creepy crawlies. I think they must have been house spider babies out of one of those funny dangly egg sac things that stick on the ceiling (when you don't agitate with a fluffly Ken Dodd style feather duster enough).
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