The fortieth birthday party was an extremely cool affair, it was in fact a music festival. How impressive is that? Being confident enough to know you have so many friends, you can make a whole music festival happen.
Sadly I couldn't stay long as I had to get to a fundraising quiz night, where my piece de resitance was knowing that the Isle of Wight was called Vectis by the Romans. It's odd, I didn't even know I knew it, it just happened. How many other useful things do I not know I know, and how can I unlock them (other than by persistent attendance at quiz nights, waiting for my subconscious to jump into action?). The GP sitting next to me was also surprised he knew about Pixie someone being the current number one. I think we should all go to more quiz nights, we might eventually find that we are fluent in Sanscrit or something seriously impressive. In the end we came second and won some wine, obviously my one useful contribution made all the difference there.
I've run out of ideas, maybe I should go to the pub quiz tonight
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