I got up and made a cup of tea and went back to bed - this always feels like a total luxury. Radio 4 blurts out something about disreputable MPs and for a moment I enjoy their discomfiture as the whining apologies are broadcast. I realised I was probably being cynically manipulated by the press into thinking this way, so slurped some more tea, tried to readjust my cognitive processes and lunged for my Suduko. I have developed a knack of balancing the mug on the mattress, propped up with fluffy duvet, so I don't have to reach to far for my 'beverage of choice'. Two suduko and I'm ready to get in the bath. I didn't do any Darcy Bussell this morning, I'm feeling a bit groggy from a rather lovely evening in the pub garden. After putting on my clothes I find my card-key lanyard and get in the car to drive to work. There is a barrier to the work car park, and because the skip window is still broken, I have to manoeuvre the car to just the right point where I can lean out of the door and activate the switch without strangling myself. Quite often, I will be dangling out of the car at a jaunty angle as the kind car park guy activates the barrier anyway. I'm not sure where he is as his kiosk has mirrored windows, so I do a vague wave sort of in his direction and hope I don't look stupid.
There are two sets of doors to get in to prefab towers, the first open snappily so you are striding through at an enthusiastic pace, but because the second set are slow to activate, you generally end up with your forehead banging on the glass. I get to my office door, and lean over to stick my key in the lock, which has something funny going on and I have to turn my key about three times to open it. This tightens the lanyard, so yet again I am bent over at an awkward angle being garotted by the card key set up, when the door finally opens and I fall into the office. I turn on my computer which needs ten minutes to get going and two on/offsies. I've got used to this now, and if I am quick on my toes, can activate the second on/offsie and nip to the post room and back by the time it's asking me for my password. Evenutally I can make another cup of tea and settle down to work.
Having written this, I'm going to resolve to get an elastic extension thingy for the end of the lanyard, and get my computer fixed. I will also get the window working on the car. Life should improve dramatically.
'The Card-Key lanyard, how do you wear yours?'
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