Wednesday, 12 January 2011

New Boots and......

Getting carried away in the sales, I did what I do every year. Look at the sales stuff, turn my nose up, and buy things I didn't need at great expense from the non-sale stock.

This year my purchases took the form of two pairs of rather wonderful suede ankle boots. They are identical apart from the colour. One pair is black, the other a resplendent purple. Anyone walking close to me on the way back home would have heard the strains of 'Purple Rain' being sung quietly, but proudly. There is something pleasantly anti-disestablishment about deep purple and I thought they would go well with the mood of my 'urban anarchy' scarf.

The other morning I was getting dressed in a poor light, and you've guessed it, was getting out of the car at work and saw that my feet were different colours. Quite radically different too. I wondered whether I could get away with making a 'fashion statement' but chickened out and put on an old pair of black shoes I had in the bottom of a drawer. This made me grumpy as they didn't go with my green skirt of existential happiness. The old shoes had been discarded as being too uncomfy, so my feet hurt all day and I walked funny as a result.

So your tip for today is to always get dressed in good light, otherwise be prepared to brazen it out as a fashionista at work.


J Adamthwaite said...

I think what amazes me most about this story is that you have a pair of old shoes in your bottom drawer at work!

Hilsbils said...

It's because I usually cycle to work, and have a worry that if I forget to pack any shoes, I'd be sitting at my desk in smelly trainers all day. A girl has to have some pride.