Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Hitting Hyperspace

When the computer game Asteroids came out, I was scared of the Hyperspace button, that took your little spacecraft into unknown territory.

It's a truism that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Scientists seem confident that they can describe everything by close examination. But if you looked at brain cells under a microscope you would be able to talk about their biological and physiological function but would miss the fact that they are capable of original thought when put together.

If you put a group of people together, and they express their thoughts, again the whole becomes greater than the sum of the parts. So much more information and development of ideas happens. It's the hyperspace factor.

The big society is centred around communities, but seems to be aimed at communities providing services that have historically been delivered by local authorities. Community is a word that has now become quite political. It's lost it's meaning. We need a new word for community, and it needs to reflect the hyperspace function.

Ideas on a postcard please.....


DaveG said...

I think we should tell the Govt. they can't have that word, it belongs to us and we want it back.

Hilsbils said...

You tell 'em! Riots in the street, urban anarchy! I've got the scarf (so have you). Let's go!