Thursday, 25 March 2010

The Power of the Guinea Pig

I was heartened to see a very large banner hanging on a lamp-post outside a pet mega-market this morning. It featured a handsome close-up photograph of a guinea pig, doing what guinea-pigs do best - looking philosophical. He was obviously contemplating how contrary to the evidence of our senses, the belief in plurality and change is mistaken, and in particular that motion is nothing but an illusion.

You might wonder how I know that. It was all in the expression.

The far away look in the eyes.

Either that or he was just considering whether or not to eat the bouquet of daisies that the photographer had employed to keep him in place.

They eat guinea-pigs in Ecuador, so my friends, I think it's time to start the siege.

Serve de-skinned and fried in a light crumb coating.

NB: While writing this I came across a recipe for Rottweiler and sweet potato. Do Waitrose sell Rottweiler steaks yet?


J Adamthwaite said...

On first glance, I read that you were "heartened to see a very large banana hanging on a lamp-post". Which confused me a little!

Hilsbils said...

Yes, a banana hanging from a lamp-post would indeed be odd!

DaveG said...

I remember Bobbin

Hilsbils said...

Alas poor Bobbin!