I'm swimming three miles in about 8 days time, and I haven't been swimming for about two weeks. Should I be worried? Hmmmm. Some helpful advice I've had in order to avoid the tedium of the lengths is to imagine I'm swimming somewhere three miles away. So, I'm going to pretend I'm swimming to Twickenham. It will feel a bit odd swimming down the main road with the buses, but I'm willing to give it a go. I'm not entirely sure Twickenham is actually the full three miles, so might do a detour en route. I could swim past Tesco's in Teddington and wave at all the shoppers. It will be an interesting extension of my dance technique, which usually involves a lot of swimming movements.
I know, I know, 'It was only funny for the first twenty years!' I hear you shout, I do need to learn to throw some new shapes now.
My other news is that the Skip has been a) serviced and goes very nicely again and b) has had some Mr Sheen squirted around inside to celebrate. I even found some loose change lying on the floor as my reward. I'll spend it in the pub tonight.
'Anyone know where the deep end is?'
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