I've just been for a walk in the park, and it was lovely; orange sunset and deer wading through the lake. On the way back, I saw a squashed frog. It's that time of year when they try to cross the road and end up flat and blackened by tyres. They look like they might be useful as mini frisbees or to stop nasty rings appearing on your furniture. The little red tendrils of intestines looping out of their sides might get in the way though. On the road they eventually get so black and so thin you hardly notice they're there. It's just their little trademark bent back legs frozen in that last leap to freedom - which actually took them to the afterlife - that gives them away.
Is there a frog afterlife? Do they spend all eternity in a pond, jumping from lily pad to lily pad (exactly half way to the edge each time)? Is it their final metamorphosis?
'But I was looking forward to being a butterfly'
1 comment:
I think there is. Think of all those books where you see frogs sitting on lily pads. That never happens in real life! Stories about frogs must be set in frog-after-life.
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