Its a very good way to relieve stress. I think work places should drop the 'how to cope with stress' Powerpoint sessions and rush out to the nearest charity shop and deposit handbags on office floors. Stress will become a thing of the past as you watch your line manager cavorting with abandon around a 'bright rubber tote' or your Chief Executive executing a 'boyoing' round a 'hobo'. It could save the country millions.
Team building sessions could take place around a fake crocodile skin clutch (with some early Mud playing in the background) saving lots of money on those rather self conscious awaydays.
So if you are feeling stressed and need a quick fix, forget the alcohol, forget the chocolate, put some 'groovy' sounds on and fling your handbag on the floor. Please note a Tesco carrier bag will do in an emergency if you don't own a suitable handbag/manbag. There's nothing to be done if you don't have any 'groovy' sounds though - unless you can hum well.
Some handbags to inspire you (more suitable than the search results for 'cavorting')
NB Cavorting is rather a nice word, sounds quite naughty like a lack of clothes might be involved, but actually just means 'to bound or prance about in a sprightly manner; caper'.
Glad we got that one sorted.
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