Sunday, 30 November 2008

Paddington does the decorating

In spite of my basement floor being up following the sewage crisis, and being in total chaos while it dries out, I decided to redecorate the bathroom. Its a very small room, and I thought it would be easy. Forgetting the mantra, 'preparation is everything', I splurged forth and splattered paint on the walls. Sadly, also on the tiles and carpet, radiator, in the bath, in the basin. It looks quite a mess. One of my favourite stories ever is 'Paddington Does the Decorating' (Michael Bond), and I now know how poor old Paddington felt.

Still, had a nice morning, Advent Sunday service in church and a lovely lunch with a very good friend in town after.

I've got the fire going in the sitting room, and am now going to slump unashamedly on the settee for the evening.

Bye for now.


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